ISSN NUMBER: 2805-42371 | Title: GOVERNMENT POLICY AND TRANSPORT WORKERS’ INVOLVEMENT IN HEAVY VEHICLES’ CRASH REDUCTION IN LAGOS STATE Author: ADEMOLA BENSON IRINYEMI Abstract: This study focused on the relevance of government policy and transport workers’ occupational attitudes in reducing the rate of heavy goods vehicle crashes in Lagos, Nigeria. Descriptive research design was used, where the researcher d 68 ev r e e l s o p p o e n d d s e u n r t v s e d y ra in w s n tru fr m om ent d s if t f o ere co n l t le l c o t ca d t a io ta ns fr a o n m d bases in Lagos using purposive sampling technique. Statistical mean and standard deviation were used for the three research questions raised for this study. Analysis in the research questions revealed that there were policy inconsistencies on the part of the custodians of formulation, enforcement and management, operators’ indifference to safety issues and inadequacy of transport infrastructure provision. Based on these revelations, it was recommended among others that government should make the enabling policy that could lead to a solid part of National Transport Policy, and domesticated in the various parts of the country as necessary, training and enlightenment of drivers and transport-related workers should be made compulsory, constant and relevant for operational and socio-economic safety, while necessary facilities should be provided to give potent drive to the National policy so made. Keyword: Crash reduction, Government policy, Heavy vehicles, Lagos state, Transport workers’ involvement.... more |
2 | Title: THE IMPACT OF VALUE ADDED TAX IN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIA: AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION Author: ADEDAYO O. ADEDEJI, MATTHEW A. DADA, OYEYEMI O. BIYI & DAUDA A. OLADEJO Abstract: The suggestion of Value-Added Tax (VAT) as a way-out dilemma for the government is predicated on the fact that it is capable of generating substantial revenue. However, its impact on social infrastructure and the growth of the economy needs to be unraveled. Therefore, this study investigated the relationship among value added tax, social infrastructure and economic growth in Nigeria using time series data covering the periods 1991 to 2020. Data were sourced from World Development Indicators (WDI) published by World Bank Organization and Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin, published by Central Bank of Nigeria. Both the descriptive and inferential statistical tools were used. Precisely, the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and the Philip-Perron (PP) tests of unit root engaged. The ordinary least square (OLS) techniques were used to analyze the data. The results revealed that Value Added Tax (VAT) has positive and significant effects on both social Infrastructure and economic growth in Nigeria. The effect of social infrastructure on economic growth is positive and statistically significant. However, the impact of trade openness on Social Infrastructure is negative and statistically insignificant. Similarly, capital stock, inflation and trade openness have positive but insignificant effect on economic growth in Nigeria. Also, capital stock, inflation and labour have positive effect on social infrastructure. Similarly, capital stock, inflation and trade openness have positive effect on economic growth in Nigeria but the effects are statistically insignificant. However, the impact of labour on economic growth is negative and statistically significant which is contrary to theoretical stand. The study recommended that the governments should establish effective monitoring and evaluation systems to assess the impact of VAT on infrastructure development and identify the deficiencies, bottlenecks, or areas for improvement, to ensure that VAT revenues are optimally utilized for infrastructure and economic growth in Nigeria Key words; VAT, infrastructure, economic growth, OLS... more |